Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

graduated and mimetic symbols\

Source - https://www.e-education.psu.edu/geog486/book/export/html/1796

Continuously variable proportional circle map is a map that uses circle to depict data over a given area. There are different size circle which indicates different vaules. The circles that are are the smallest are given the smallest number and circles that a biggest are given the bigger numbers. if you look at the map above, it depicts California and the number of motor vehicle deaths in a given year. The biggest circle is represented with the number 26,099 so anywhere there is a big circle that is how many deaths took place there and so on and so on. The pattern that seems to be here is that near the middle of the state there are move vehicle deaths the the north of the state but towards the end of state it has a few places that have a larger total number of deaths. 

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